У статті зазначено, що фізична терапія жінок 35-40 років з II ступенем ожиріння у післялікарняному періоді, істотно впливає на фізичну працездатність та соціальні умови життя людей. Велике значення при цьому відіграє фізична терапія - лікувальна фізкультура, рефлекторно-сегментарний, точковий, вібраційний масаж, бальнеотерапія, фізіотерапія. Фізична терапія направлена на корекцію маси тіла, покращення загальної витривалості, розвиток гнучкості та розробка програми самостійних занять.
В статье указано, что физическая терапия женщин 35-40 лет со II степенью ожирения в послебольничном периоде, существенно влияет на физическую работоспособность и социальные условия жизни людей. Большое значение при этом играет физическая терапия - лечебная физкультура, рефлекторно-сегментарный, точечный, вибрационный массаж, бальнеотерапия, физиотерапия. Физическая терапия направлена на коррекцию массы тела, улучшение общей выносливости, развитие гибкости и разработка программы самостоятельных занятий.
The development of obesity in women, is also associated with the psychological characteristics of the individual. Untimely and inadequate treatment of obesity, leads to changes in all internal organs and is the cause of many diseases of organs and systems, including the cardiovascular system, people with disabilities in the age of social activity. Well organized treatment prophylactic treatment for obese patients has a significant effect on physical activity. Of great importance in obesity women 35-40 years of physical therapy, namely: medical physical education, reflex-segmental, point, vibrational massage, balneotherapy, physiotherapy. In the etiology of obesity, a hereditary-constitutional factor is of particular importance. Naturally, obesity in itself is not an innate disease, but the predisposition to it may be hereditary. With the apparent presence of an inherited inclination to the occurrence of obesity, is also evidenced by statistical data on the frequency of obesity among relatives of obese patients. The presence of an inherited inclination to the development of foresight presupposes the existence of provoking the emergence of disease factors. Such factors can be: overeating, low physical activity, damage to the central nervous system, etc. Reduced motor activity, naturally leads to lower energy consumption, fats in most cases are deposited in fat depots, leading to an unattractive appearance. Excessive fat deposits affect the cardiovascular function and leads to myocardial degeneration, damage to the vessels of the brain and lower extremities, increased blood pressure. In case of impaired blood circulation in patients with obesity there is shortness of breath, there are stagnant phenomena in peripheral vessels, as a result of which patients experience dizziness and drowsiness. Patients with obesity 2-3 times more often suffer from myocardial infarction than people with normal metabolism. In patients with obesity II-IV grades there are the following symptoms:
1) changes from the cardiovascular system;
2) lungs;
3) digestive organs.
Therefore, the incidence of obesity increases, and in developed countries, it has a scale of socially significant problem.