У статті представлена характеристика і обґрунтовано перспективи розвитку Всеукраїнських комплексних
змагань з неолімпійських видів спорту. Встановлено, що основною метою цих змагань є популяризація неолімпійських
видів спорту і залучення населення країни до занять фізичною активністю. Багато в чому ефективність таких проектів
залежить від продуманої і злагодженої діяльності організаційного комітету цих змагань. Проведений SWOT-аналіз членів
організаційних комітетів Всеукраїнських ігор єдиноборств та Всеукраїнських пляжних ігор дозволив виявити сильні і
слабкі сторони, а також загрози та можливості організації даних проектів. Дані, отримані в процесі SWOT-аналізу,
дозволили обґрунтувати тенденції процесу організації Всеукраїнських комплексних змагань з неолімпійських видів
спорту, серед них: формування позитивного іміджу змагань, розширення програми, проведення нових турнірів, пошук
додаткових джерел фінансування.
The article presents a description and justifies the prospects for the development of
all-Ukrainian complex competitions in non-olympic sports. The decision to hold these tournaments was made by the leadership of the
Sports Committee of Ukraine after the SportAccord Association, which presented the idea of organizing the World Games in groups
of sports (martial arts, artistic, intellectual, beach).
It has been established that the main goal of All-Ukrainian complex competitions is to popularize non-olympic sports and to
attract the population to engage in physical activity. In many ways, the effectiveness of such projects depends on many factors,
including the well thought out and coordinated activities of the organizing committee of the competition.
A SWOT analysis among the members of the All-Ukrainian Martial Arts Games and the All-Ukrainian Beach Games
revealed the strengths (the complex nature of the competitions, the unique format of the games, the high level of the sports
spectacle, the coordinated activities of the organizing committee members, the possibility of changing the competition program
depending on the preferences of the audience) and weaknesses (small budget of the competition, the lack of own sports facilities for
the competition, the lack of odov of the games, the difficulty of attracting volunteers, the lack of sponsors and insufficiently formed
image). There were also identified threats (the emergence of competitors, a decrease in budget financing, a decrease in the
motivation of the NSF to take part in competitions, adverse changes in the tastes and preferences of the audience, a decrease in the
socio-economic level of the country, an increase in the cost of holding competitions) and opportunities (sponsorship interest, an
increase in kinds of sports and indicators of their development, expansion of the geography of competitions, an increasing number of
people, which involved in physical activity and sports, political stability of the organization of these projects.
The data obtained in the process of SWOT-analysis allowed to substantiate the tendencies of the process of organizing the
All-Ukrainian complex competitions in non-olympic sports. So, the main ones include: creating a positive image of competitions by
promoting them on the Internet, cooperating with the media, organizing tournaments in different cities of Ukraine, expanding the
program by including new and popular non-olympic sports, holding new tournaments such as the All-Ukrainian intellectual games ,
All-Ukrainian artistic games, etc., search for additional sources of funding by attracting new sponsoring companies, which mainly
producing sports products.