В статті представлені результати морфологічних даних та функцій організму юних біатлоністок 13 років за період підготовчого етапу. Метою роботи явилося визначення змін антропометричних даних та показників серцево-судинної і дихальної систем організму біатлоністок 13 років протягом шості місяців тренування. Встановлено зміни довжини та маси тіла, окружності грудної клітки та голови юних біатлоністок 13 років; рівень функціонального стану юних біатлоністок 13 років в підготовчому періоді.
В статье представлены результаты морфологических данных и функций организма юных биатлонисток 13 лет за период подготовительного этапа. Целью работы явилось определение изменений антропометрических данных и показателей сердечно-сосудистой и дыхательной систем организма биатлонисток 13 лет на протяжение шести месяцев тренировок. Установлены изменения длины и массы тела, окружности грудной клетки и головы юных биатлонисток 13 лет; уровень функционального состояния юных биатлонисток 13 лет в подготовительном периоде.
The most appropriate age period for studying the morphological criteria for diagnosing the norm is the teenage period, when the processes of morphofunctional maturation of organs and systems of the body are completed. Adolescents make up the closest reproductive, intellectual, economic, social, political and cultural reserve of society. In the puberty, a holistic view of the body as a system of interrelated components is necessary. Its known instability in adolescents often leads to the formation of borderline states. Many publications are devoted to the physical development of adolescents. As researchers emphasize, physical development reflects the physiological processes in the body and is used as a criterion for adolescent health. The main physical qualities of adolescents have clear differences depending on the initial vegetative tone. Adolescents with initial vagotonia are characterized by a better development of fine motor skills, have lower rates of speed and power qualities, but at the same time demonstrate higher rates of physical performance. Knowledge of the laws of the physical development of adolescents is necessary for the proper organization of their life mode. An individual assessment of the level of physical development should be based on anthropometric data, including somatometric, physiometric and somatoscopic indicators. Currently, the number of adolescents with a normal ratio of length to body weight has decreased.
For the researchers' contributions in recent decades, there has been a distinct decrease in the strength capabilities and functional reserves of the body. The respiratory system of adolescents is characterized by a number of features. At puberty, there is an intensive development of the chest, respiratory muscles, the growth of zones and segments of the lungs, the growth of intercellular connective tissue, an increase in the size of acini, elastic and muscle fibers Features of the cardiovascular system (CVS) in adolescence are associated with the emergence of new neurohumoral ratios. During puberty, an intensive growth of the heart occurs in length and width, the volume of its cavities increases. Features of the growth and development of the heart are largely determined by the age and gender of adolescents, especially playing sports. Consequently, the process of morphofunctional maturation and formation of the body of adolescents is characterized by the peculiarities of their growth and development. To a large extent, physical and neuropsychic development, respiratory, circulatory, digestive, endocrine, immune and bone tissue systems are changing
Studies of young biathletes of 13 years in the preparatory period showed a significant increase in both anthropometric data and indicators of the cardiovascular system (p <0.05).
The 13-year-old biathletes examined by us showed the following levels of physical development: body length increased by 17 % on average and by 8 % in high; body weight decreased by 25 % above average, chest circumference increased by 17 % on average and by 8 % above average, head circumference increased by 8 % on average. The data of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as the strength index of the hands, statistically changed by 41.7 kgm min-1 (t =9,43; p<0.001) in the endurance test, by 186,1 ml in the vital capacity of the lungs (t=2.44; p<0.05), at 1,3 l (t=2,28; p<0.05) at the maximum oxygen consumption, at 5,6 kg (t= 2,54; p<0,05) in the dynamometry of the right hand, respectively.