У статті розглянуті різні варіанти кількості тренувальних занять у тижневому мікроциклі велосипедистів-ветеранів 35-39 років. Представлено порівняльний аналіз функціонального стану та рівня фізичних якостей. Метою досліджень було – визначити оптимальний режим тренувань в тижневому мікроциклі змагального періоду для велосипедистів-ветеранів 35-39 років.
Various variants of the number of training sessions in the weekly microcycle of cyclistveterans 35-39 years are considered in the article. A comparative analysis of the functional state and level of physical qualities is presented. At present, the actual problem of diagnosing the functional and motor capabilities of veterans of sport, is one of the essential links, part of the integrated process of preparation of veterans of cycling sports. It is established that between the proposed physical activity, the functional and the physical state there is a sufficiently high interconnection, therefore, physical activity has a mixed effect on the functional state of a person. Therefore, the effectiveness of training sessions increases if its methodological side will be individualized in accordance with the motor capabilities of man.
At the same time, questions concerning the training load, which would allow maintaining the level of various aspects of preparedness and not detrimental to the health of athletes-veterans, are not considered.
The purpose of the research was to determine the optimal mode of training in the weekly microcycle of the competition period for veteran cyclists 35-39 years old. The results of testing the manifestation of physical qualities in different periods of veteran
cyclists 35-39 years showed that:
1) during double training in a weekly microcycle, the results of all tests of the level of manifestation of physical qualities used in studies are significantly lowered, which may indicate an insufficient amount of training effects on the cardiovascular, respiratory and neuromuscular system of cyclists;
2) three-time training on many indicators leads to a repetition of the initial results, and in separate tests (30-speed pedals, the jump in length from place) and surpass;
3) an increase in the number of trainings to four in a weekly microcycle positively affects the improvement of predominantly all test results.
Thus, studies have shown that cyclists-veterans 35-39 years of age, in order to maintain the level of physical qualities and functional state of the body, four-time training sessions in the weekly microcycle of the competition period are required.