У статті розглядається доцільність й ефективність візуалізації інформації як педагогічного інструменту технології інтерактивного навчання у процесі формування професійної спрямованості особистості майбутнього вчителя іноземної мови. Особлива увага надається ролі викладача, який забезпечує високий рівень усвідомлення інформації, що дозволяє зробити навчальний процес цікавим і нестандартним.
The article focuses on proving that searching the new tendencies, new education approaches lead to the new aims and to the new types of knowledge. All the innovations of the higher pedagogical education promote the foundation of the teacher’s new image. The actuality of the problems of technologization of higher pedagogical education is connected with the incalculation of the innovations among which the technology interactive education has risen both teacher’s and student’s motivation and has formed the professional orientation of future foreign language teacher’s personality. The analysis of the traditional approach of giving the lectures allows to define such disadvantages of this approach: authoritarian type of giving knowledge, ignoring of the individuals and the student’s personality. According to this problem the advantages of the technology of the interactive education have been defined. The lecture evokes the interest, actualizes knowledge, promotes students to do different level tasks. The peculiar attention is paid to the interrelation of a teacher and a student. Among the active methods of the technology of the interactive education of students at lectures, the technology of the visualization of the educational information has been distinguished. This technology includes both the visual ways of representing information and developing visual thinking in the educational process. The material for the lectures with the effective visual method of scribing is allowed to make the educational process to be interesting and nonstandard, to rise the student’s motivation to master the English language. The diagrams of the appliqué scribing are given simultaneously with the oral report during the lecture THE WORD AND ITS MEANING. It gives possibility to present the meaning of the English word and the structure of its lexical meaning more clearer. Video-scribing helps to describe the English speaking countries’ realia in the process of studying the culture of the foreign language. The scheme which is characterized the teaching stаff in the USA and Great Britain at the lecture REGIONAL VARIETIES AND DIALECTS emphasized the difference between BrE and AmE. Thus, the visualization of the educational information is the peculiar instrument of the technology of interact education.
В статье рассматривается целесообразность и эффективность визуализации информации как педагогического инструмента технологии интерактивного обучения в процессе формирования профессиональной направленности личности будущего учителя иностранного языка. Особенное внимание уделяется роли преподавателя, который обеспечивает высокий уровень осознания информации, что позволяет сделать учебный процесс интересным и нестандартным.