Стаття присвячена проблемі професійної підготовки майбутніх фізкультурних фахівців до оздоровчої
діяльності в умовах сучасної парадигми вищої освіти. Проаналізовано результати опитування студентів та викладачів
закладів вищої освіти України щодо рівня їх знань, вмінь та навичок, необхідних для успішної самореалізації в оздоровчій
діяльності. Визначено ступінь сформованості готовності майбутніх фахівців з фізичного виховання до подальшої
професійної діяльності. Зазначено на доцільності реформування існуючої системи підготовки фізкультурних кадрів в
Україні, що сприяло б підвищенню рівня готовності майбутніх вчителів фізичної культури.
The article is devoted to the problem of professional training of future
physical culture specialists for health related activities taking into account modern paradigm of higher education. The results of the
survey of students and teachers of higher educational institutions of Ukraine concerning the level of their knowledge, skills and
abilities necessary for successful self-realization in health-related activities have been analyzed.
The purpose of the paper is to study the current state of preparedness of future specialists in physical education for
professional self-realization in health-related activities.
To achieve this goal, the following research methods have been used: theoretical analysis and generalization of data of
scientific and methodical literature, sociological methods (questionnaires); methods of mathematical and statistical processing of
The results of the study showed insufficient use of innovative teaching technologies in the process of professional training
of physical education teachers. Most of the teachers interviewed prefer the traditional teaching methods, which confirms the data of
other authors' research. It has been established that more than half of the interviewed teachers use traditional forms and methods of
teaching in their work, which do not always contribute to the formation of motivation, the appropriate level of knowledge and skills of
future teachers of physical culture.
According to the results of the students' survey, it was found that the following skills have been best understood: the
determination of the level of physical condition of a person (87.50%); formation of motivation for recreational activities (79.77%);
conducting of recreational activity with different age and sex people (78.64%); formation of behavior aimed at health strengthening
(77.89%); programming of recreational activities using various types of physical exercises (77.78%). It has been determined
readiness formation level of future specialists in physical education for future professional activity.
The analysis of the results obtained during the study suggests the feasibility of introducing changes in the process of future
teachers of physical education training. Improving the existing system using innovative learning technologies will improve the quality
of training for the field of physical education and sport, improve the level of professional knowledge, skills and abilities of future