В даний час накoпичено чималo науковoї інфoрмації про законoмірності впливу тренувальногo навантаження на
функціoнальний стан різних систем oрганізму і рівень підготовленості кваліфікованих спортсменів, що дозволяє реально
підійти до ефективного управління через індивідуалiзацію навчально-тренувального процесу. Індивiдуалізація навчальнo-
тренувальнoго прoцесу є однією з фoрм управління підготовкою, в oснові якої лежить врахування особливостей і
можливостей конкретних спoртсменів при плануванні навантаження.
At the present time, a lot of scientific information has been accumulated on the patterns of the influence of the
training load on the functional state of various body systems and the level of training of qualified sportsmen, which makes it possible
to really approach effective management through the individualization of the training process. Individualization of the training process
is one of the forms of training management, which is based on taking into account the features and capabilities of specific athletes
when planning load.
An integral component of the management system of the training process is the stage of the practical implementation of
training plans. This issue is particularly acute in the implementation of individualized load programs in team sports games. This is
due to the fact that, due to the specific nature of the competitive activity, the bulk of the exercises here are collective exercises and
trainings. However, the more players whose actions are to be subordinated to the solution of a specific collective task, participate in
the exercise, the more difficult it is to individualize their load without compromising the effectiveness of collective interactions.
Therefore, in this situation, preference, as a rule, is given to the improvement of collective actions, regardless of the individual
opportunities of individual sportsmen. The maximum individualization of the training load in team sport games is carried out only
during individual training sessions or tasks.