Ринковi вiдносини у сферi фiзичної культури i спoрту запoчаткoванi з того часу, коли фiзкультурно-спортивнi
послуги почали набувати форми товару. Ринoк існує там і тoді, де і коли, з одного боку, є дoсить велика кiлькість
бажаючих заплатити за потрiбні їм фiзкультурно-спoртивнi пoслуги, а з іншого, достатнє число вирoбникiв, спроможних
надати такі пoслуги, забезпечуючи при цьому їх високу якість. Отож, ринок у сфері фізичної культури і спорту являє
собою обіг специфічних товарів фізкультурно-спортивних послуг.
Market relations in the field of physical culture and sports started from the time when
physical education and sports services began to take the form of goods. The market exists there and then, where and when, on the
one hand, there is a sufficiently large number of people willing to pay for the physical training and sports services they need, and on
the other, a sufficient number of manufacturers capable of providing such services, while ensuring their high quality. So, the market
in the field of physical culture and sports is the circulation of specific products of physical culture and sports services, and the totality of relations regarding their purchase and sale.
These features of the market in the field of physical culture and sports are not limited to. This is just what lies on the
surface of economic life. There are more significant specific features of the sports and sports services market, which are caused by
deep socio-economic processes and flow from the very essence of physical culture and sports as a social phenomenon and as a
branch of the economy. Their analysis allows us to find out what the uniqueness of the market of physical culture and sports
services, under the influence of what factors the formation and development of the market environment in the field of physical culture
and sports takes place, gives and what the market of physical culture and sports cannot give. Undoubtedly, the mentioned problems
are relevant for specialists, first of all, the managerial profile, they directly solve the issues of adaptation of physical culture and
sports in new economic conditions.