В умовах розбудови національної системи освіти важлива роль належить аналізу педагогічної спадщини не
тільки діячів сучасності, а й минулого, щодо проблеми фізичного виховання підростаючого покоління та зміцненню його
здоров’я. Важливим, з цієї точки зору, є звернення до педагогіки першої половини ХХ ст., оскільки саме в цей період
накопичено чимало наукових знань щодо розвитку фізичного виховання підростаючого покоління.
У статті зроблено спробу аналізу поглядів видатних українських педагогів першої половини ХХ-го століття
К.Ушинського, С.Шацького, С. Русової, Г. Ващенка та А. Макаренка на проблему фізичного виховання підростаючого
покоління, визначення його мети, завдань та засобів.
Within development of national educational system, an important role is played by an analysis of
pedagogical heritage of both contemporary and traditional scholars, regarding a problem of physical education of younger generation
and strengthening of its health. From this point of view, an appeal to pedagogy of the first half of the twentieth century is of great
importance, since during this period a great deal of scientific knowledge has been accumulated concerning development of physical
education of younger generation. This article attempts to analyze the surface looks outstanding Ukrainian teachers first half of the
twentieth century K. Ushynskoho, S. Shatskoho, S. Rusova, G. Vaschenko and A. Makarenko the problem of physical education of
the younger generation, determination of its goals, objectives and means. In our study, we conditionally divided works of outstanding
pedagogues into several stages, by expressing opinions and views on physical education of younger generation by K. Ushinskiy and
S. Shatskij until beginning of the twentieth century, S. Rusova and G. Vaschenko to an era of national-state regeneration , and
pedagogical views of A. Makarenko before the Soviet era of our state history.
Certain aspects of physical education, which are highlighted in pedagogy of a first half of the twentieth century, are also
relevant at present time in solving many issues of a creation of an effective system of harmonious development of younger
generation, to main tasks of which belong skilful combination of physical development of an individual with its intellectual and mental
enhancement, personal hygiene, nutrition, alternation of work and rest, wide use of natural factors in physical education of children
and adolescents. Regarding means of physical education, prominent pedagogues of a first half of the twentieth century advised to
use physical work, gymnastics and workout in fresh air, hiking, playing games and sports.