У статті розглядаються тенденції розвитку та впливу інформаційних технологій в освіті та вихованні дітей
різновікових категорій. Значна увага приділяється поетапному викладу вирішення проблем сповільненої технологізації
української освіти. Згадано, що в Україні існує освітній портал, який створює навчально-виховний простір для широкого
кола користувачів. Проаналізовано основні переваги, можливості, ключові аспекти його використання. Особливо
відзначається зміни в освітньому ключі в зв'язку з становленням (формуванням), розвитком і функціонуванням даного проекту в українському суспільстві.
The article deals with the development trends and the influence of information technologies on the education, development and
upbringing of children. It is spoken in detail about the main reasons for the weak mass introduction of information technology in the pedagogical process. Much attention is given to step by step presentation of solutions to the problems of delayed technologization of Ukrainian education. A mention should be made a lot of examples of various projects used in the education market. The article is devoted to proving the effectiveness of an electronic and information portal in the work of teachers, pupils, parents and educational institutions. It is specially noted that there is an educational portal that creates an educational space for a wide range of users in Ukraine. It is known that the portal is suitable for using in various categories such as pre-school education, school education and out-ofschool education. The text gives valuable information about the list of the main electronic resources of the “Klasna Ocinka” portal. The article gives a detailed analysis of the main advantages, opportunities, key aspects of its use. There is a possibility to create informational support of the educational process and to use distance education.
It draws our attention to the possibility of organizing electronic registration of children in kindergartens and equal access to services through a single registration system.
The “Klasna Ocinka” allows the institution to deploy a complete system of informatization of the educational process on the basis of its own web-portal. It is stressed that in order to improve the learning efficiency of learning material, the student must have access not only to the textbooks which recommended for the standard program, but also to additional educational content, author's development of teachers. According to the article an introduction of computer technologies allows to realize new ways of development of the education system.