У статті розкрито зміст і структуру художньо-оцінювальних умінь майбутніх учителів музики. Розглянуто зміст формування досліджуваного феномені з позиції психології творчого мислення у розумінні психіки оцінювальних механізмів. Підтверджено логіку формування художньо-оцінювальних умінь студентів на рівні інтелектуальноопераційних структур, згідно теорії поетапності формування розумових дій. Представлено структуру формування художньо-оцінювальних умінь майбутніх учителів музики у взаємозвязку ціннісно-емотивного, когнітивно-аналітичного, діяльнісно-перетворювального компонентів. Конкретизовано подальші напрямки дослідження наукового завдання.
The article clarifies that in the current conditions of university education, the question of forming the personality of a future
specialist, armed with the ability to critically evaluate the course, quality, and performance of future professional activity is urgent.
The author of the article has proved that artistic and evaluation skills absorb a complex set of intellectual actions of an analytical and synthesized nature from the point of view of comprehension of the subject through the procedures for evaluating the information, its correlation and conformity with the ideal of evaluation in order to identify the signs that need to be transformed, changed and made to decide on harmonization of the received characteristics within the framework of a balanced model of vocal-choral rehearsal process, as well as external expression of evaluation results (emotions, c il, action, judgment, temperament, will, etc) in the form of analogues of norms, standards, values and ideals. The article emphasizes that in the process of vocal-choral education active formation of students of conducting and vocal-choral skills and musical aesthetic flavors, artistic and performing world outlook, creates the basis for the development of the artistic and evaluative sphere of future music teachers for the future productive vocal and choral work with senior pupils. The peculiarities of formation of the investigated phenomenon from a position of psychology of creative thinking in the understanding of the psyche of evaluation mechanisms are considered. The logic of the formation of artistic and appraisal skills of students at the level of intellectual-operational structures, according to the theory of step-by-step formation of mental activity, has been confirmed. The structure of the formation of the artistic and evaluative skills of future music teachers in the relationship of value-emotive, cognitive-analytical, activity-transforming components, which in the interconnection provide the integrity and form the content structure of the identified phenomenon. Іs presented further directions of research of the scientific problem.