У статті дається аналіз терміна «професійний інтерес», пропонуються різні точки зору вчених на трактування
професійного інтересу з позицій теорії професійного розвитку Д. С'юпера, теорії професійного вибору Д. Холланда, теорії
компромісу з реальністю Е. Гінцберга, концепції професійних інтересів С. Крягжде. Визначені концептуальні положення процесу професійної підготовки студентів у навчальних закладах вищої освіти, у якому особливе місце відводиться професійному інтересу яккомплексному показнику готовності студентів до професії.
The relevance of the study lies in the fact that the professional interest is an important factor in learning and a vital factor in
the formation of the individual. It is a significant internal stimulus, which constantly directs the personality to the professional activity. The cognition receives personal meaning under the influence of the professional interest. The analysis of the scientific literature connected with this problem shows that there are different approaches to the concept of "professional interest" due to its functional nature complexity. The article gives the analysis of the term "professional interest", proposes different points of view of scientists on the interpretation of professional interest from the attitude of the theory of professional development, the theory of professional choice, the theory of compromise with reality, the concept of professional interests.
This concept is regarded as: the orientation of the individual to a particular activity that stimulates the development of the
individual and his/her creative power; selective, emotional, cognitive attitude expressed in the pursuit of a particular activity; selective activity regarding the future profession; the only motivation that can support the students' aspirations for the profession and promote further success in professional activities; painted in a positive emotional tone of a person's attitude to a particular profession, which consists of distinguishing this profession from a number of others and the desire to learn more about it. The conceptual provisions of the professional training process of students in higher educational institutions are determined. The particular place is given to the professional interest as a comprehensive indicator of the students’ readiness for the profession. Thus, in the psychological and pedagogical literature, professional interest is regarded as a complex set of psychic properties and states, which include selective cognitive, emotional and volitional activity aimed at the selection of professional activities. Professional interests are related to other types of interests, but they occupy a dominant position in the educational process at the higher educational institution. Professional interest is directed at certain types of labor activity, profession and specialty and the process of mastering them depending on their importance and emotional attractiveness.