У статті аналізуються особливості функціонування соціального партнерства у системі освіти дорослих США і Канади. Досліджено сутність категорії «соціальне партнерство». Систематизовано функції соціального партнерства. Класифіковано фактори, що визначають доцільність функціонування соціального партнерства в системі освіти
дорослих. Виокремлені суб’єкти соціального партнерства. Проаналізовано особливості функціонування соціального
партнерства на міжнародному, державному та регіональному рівнях. Закцентувано увага на важливості неурядових
організацій у забезпеченні функціонування соціального партнерства. Розкрито сутність синергетичного ефекту
соціального партнерства.
Article deals with analysis of functioning of social partnership in system of adult education in the USA and Canada. Essene
of category “social partnership” is investigated. Functions of social partnership are systematized. Factors that determine necessity of
social partnership functioning in the system of adult education are singled out. Key factors of social partnership functioning are the
following: fundamental changes in the sphere of job and employment, necessity to solve economic problems, taking into account intensive development of technologies, continuous education of adults for getting professional competences according to demands of market, which rapidly change. In this context social partnership is viewed as means of solving contradictions between education and job market; as mechanism of development and adequate system of adult education functioning providing. Competence approach can be viewed as attempt to balance education and demands of job market, that is competence approach is closely connected with demands of job market. Subjects of social partnership are singled out. Subjects of social partnership in educational sphere are educational establishments, citizens, council. As a rule, they are integrated into state sector, private sector and business structures. In recent decades’ conception of intersectional partnership gained popularity, that takes into account all spectrum of social problems. Such partnership functions as cooperation of several establishments (state, business, private sector) for solving of social problems providing synergetic effect due to cooperation of several resources necessary for all sides. Peculiarities of
functioning of social partnership at international, state and regional levels are analyzed. Attention is paid to importance of functioning of non-profitable organizations in the system of social partnership. Essene of synergetic effect of social partnership is analyzed. Analysis of American and Canadian social partnership proves efficacy of neocooperative model, according to which functioning of social partnership has law support and functions at international, state and regional levels. At international level the USA and Canada take part in social partnership, which has four directions: continuous professional education, professional orientation of youth, professional qualifications, taking into account predictions and analysis of needs and proposals of skills at job market. Social partnership provides development of American and Canadian system of adult education in accordance with demands of international community in the sphere of specialist training. It provides mobility of person, activates his social activity in the direction of social community reforming.