У статті узагальнено теоретичні положення щодо професійної компетентності андрагога як фахівця у галузі освіти дорослих. Охарактеризовано основні її складові ‒методична, спеціальна (андрагогічна), соціально-психологічна, диференційно-психологічна, рефлексивна та індивідуально-особистісна компетентності. Андрагог повинен володіти спеціальними професійними знаннями, теоріями і технологіями навчання дорослих; вміннями і навичками у разі потреби перебудувати свою професійну діяльність відповідно до освітніх потреб дорослих, систематичного підвищення своєї професійної компетентності; організаторськими та комунікативними здібностями.
The article summarizes the theoretical positions regarding the professional competence of the andragog as a specialist in the field of adult education. The main components of it are characterized ‒ methodical, special (andragogical),
social-psychological, differential-psychological, reflexive and individual-personal competence. Andragog must have special
professional knowledge (andragogical, psychological and pedagogical regarding the peculiarities of adult development,
general cultural, about society, leisure, adult life activities, etc.), must know theories and technologies of adult education;
must have skills and abilities, if necessary, to reconstruct their professional activities in accordance with the educational
needs of adults, systematically increase their professional competence; organizational (specifically focused on constructing
an educational process with adults) and communicative (interaction with adults at the partnership level in the educational
process) abilities. It is substantiated that adult education has its own specificity, due to the individual-age peculiarities of adult
development. Because of this there is educational interaction "andragog is an adult student". Therefore, the educational
interaction "andragog ‒ an adult student" should: be built on the logic of typing, or "anchoring" new knowledge in the already
formed system of knowledge, forming a zone of the immediate and distant development; To be dialogical, assuming the
radical development of feedback systems between adults and andragog; informationally and operationally rich at the expense
of the equipment of adult pupils by means and criteria of independent search and evaluation of information resources;
pluralistic in its essence, forming a conscious acceptance of the very possibility of alternative approaches and decisions and
the actual positioning in them, the variational one ‒ to give the opportunity to choose the most optimal educational technologies for the adult.