У статті розглядається проблема формування дослідницької компетентності майбутніх фельдшерів; схарактеризовано структуру цієї компетентності, педагогічні умови її формування (усвідомлення на рівні переконань взаємозумовленості дослідницької компетентності та успішної професійної діяльності; насичення дослідного компонента змісту біологічних дисциплін дослідницькими завданнями професійного спрямування; занурення майбутніх фельдшерів в активну позанавчальну проектно-дослідницьку діяльність). Представлено зміст експериментальної методики та результати її апробації.
The article deals with the problem of formation of research competence of future feldshers. The research competence of future feldshers is characterized; its structure is determined with the allocation of motivational, prognostic, procedural-communicative and productive components. The level of formation of research competence of future feldshers (adaptive, reproductive, and heuristic) is presented.
The pedagogical conditions for forming the research competence of future feldshers in the process of studying biological disciplines
(awareness of future paramedics at the level of convictions of interdependence of research competence and successful professional activity, enrichment of the experimental component of the contents of biological disciplines with research tasks of professional direction, immersion of future feldshers into active non-academic research and development activities) are formed.
The model of forming the research competence of future feldshers during studying biological disciplines, consisting of the target
block, which contains the purpose, scientific and pedagogical approaches, and principles; content block (biological discipline, research, design and research, production, pre-diploma practice); organizational-technological block, which involves the implementation of pedagogical conditions, methods, forms, means of training, contains the stages of formation of research competence of future feldshers (orientational, quasi-professional, appraisal); the effective block that constitutes the components, criteria for their measurement, the level of formation of the research competence of future feldshers is formed. The content of the experimental methodology is provided with the research tasks of the professional direction, a textbook for practical and laboratory work on discipline "Biology", diverse extra-curricular activities (circular, competition, Olympiad, sanitary-educational), different types of practices. The results of approbation of the experimental method are presented.