У статті визначено місце культури спілкування у структурі педагогічної майстерності викладача університету.
Автор з’ясовує: високий рівень мовленнєвої культури, увиразнення вербального педагогічного спілкування належною технікою мовлення, невербальними та паравербальними засобами у поєднанні з володінням педагогічними технологіями є тими чинниками, які визначають викладача вищої школи як мовленнєвий та особистісний авторитет для студентів. Наведено фрагменти занять з української мови за професійним спрямуванням, які засвідчують ефективність завдань з культури фахового спілкування.
The article defines the place of the communication culture in the structure of pedagogical skills of the university teacher. The
author summarizes: a high level of language culture, verbal pedagogical communication with appropriate non-verbal and paraverbal means of combination as the factors that determine the speech and personal authority of a high school teacher. Fragments of classes in the Ukrainian professional language confirm the effectiveness of tasks on the culture of the professional communication.
Pedagogical skill as a scientific problem starts from the nineteenth century and is still actual nowadays. The high level of the
individual self-organization proves the teacher being responsible for his work. The high results of the pedagogical work are based on the individual pedagogical skills. Pedagogical skills are considered to be achieved by all the professional teachers. The social requirements to the culture of communication of a teacher of a higher education institution correspond to the requirements for the teacher in the conditions of the new reforming Ukrainian society. Thus, the study of the teacher’s communication culture as an element of his pedagogical skills is absolutely up-to-date.
The content of the communicative assignments presented in the article reflects a rational approach to teaching the Ukrainian
language to non-philology students. Also it is oriented on the formation of the future communication skills, “linguistic flair”, creativity, oratorical competence of the future specialists. The author emphasizes on the importance of the teacher being able to show students the patterns of the given assignments. The democratic style of the pedagogical communication between the teacher and students implies mutual respect, tolerance, tactful and systematic correction of language errors and speech deficiencies in students’ speech.
The communicative task of each of the participants of the communication implies the exchange of information, emotional expression, verbal and non-verbal effects on each other.