У статті розглядається роль викладача в організації автономного навчання на різних етапах становлення автономного студента. У роботі представлені різні погляди відомих зарубіжних науковців з проблеми дослідження. Автор надає характеристику найуживанішим термінам helper, facilitator і counsellor, які пов’язані з поняттям “викладач автономного учня (студента)”. У статті наведені методичні рекомендації для викладачів іноземної мови у роботі зі студентами у процесі реалізації автономного навчання іноземною мовою, а також акцентується увага на готовності викладача до формування автономності студента.
The article reveals the role of a teacher in the organization of autonomous learning at different stages of the formation of an autonomous student. The paper presents different views of well-known foreign researchers on the research problem of the article. It is considered on the understanding of the essence of the teacher’s role and his/her functions while autonomous learning in psychological and pedagogical research papers. The author describes the most commonly used terms “helper”, ”facilitator” and “counselor”, which are related to the concept of “teacher of an autonomous pupil (student)”. The article gives methodological recommendations for teachers of foreign languages in work with students in the process of implementation of autonomous learning of the foreign language, and it is also focused on the readiness of the teacher to training of the student autonomy in the educational process. It is stressed on the necessity of continuous professional development of a teacher of autonomous learning. The main abilities of the teacher of autonomous learning are presented in the article. The author presents and analyses the factors that influence on the successful implementation of autonomous learning and have become an incentive to increasing the popularity of the foreign language, and the concept of autonomous learning throughout the world. Based on the theoretical and practical prerequisites of autonomous learning and the main ideas of the concept, the author concludes that any person is at some stage of autonomy, and the task of educators is to help the student to check the current level of prevailing academic autonomy and plan further opportunities on the formation of strategies and levels of autonomous learning. The study of the problem of autonomous learning remains current, in connection with the increased need for self-education for the successful functioning of the individual in the society of a globalizing environment and the development of innovative technologies.