Актуальність проблеми визначається потребою вдосконалення системи підготовки майбутніх учителів початкової школи в педагогічних ЗВО до навчання письма. Констатується, що у вчених немає єдиної думки щодо кількості та назв елементів літер української абетки; потребує детальнішого висвітлення питання методики навчання їх письма та письма розділових знаків і цифр. У статті описано методику навчання письма додаткових елементів літер українського алфавіту, розділових знаків і цифр. Подано рекомендації щодо застосування авторської методики навчання письма в педагогічних ЗВО та в початковій школі.
Up to date of the mentioned problem is determined by the need to improve system of education of future teacher of the beginning schools in the pedagogical establishments of the highest education for the teaching writing in the conditions of creation of new Ukrainian school. The main condition of the teaching writing of the junior schoolchildren is the professional competence of the teacher. The professional competence is the unity of his theoretical and practical readiness for professional activity, the ability to act effectively in the standard and problem situations arising in the educational process, specifically at the lessons of teaching writing in the first grade and Ukrainian language in the second- fourth grades. The methodology of the teaching writing is the object of research of the many scientists: K.Ushynskyi, I.Kyrei, M.Korf, V.Suhomlynskyi, M.Vashulenko, O.Savchenko, N.Skrypchenko, V.Bader, A.Bohush and other. The development of methodology of the teaching writing in general and also the issue definition and ordering the conditions for writing skill in particular such scientists and methodologists were engaged: N.Bodnar, A.Zika, A.Zimuldinova, O.Pryshchepa, V.Trunova, I.Zepova and other. Based on the analysis of the scientific literature it is stated that scientists who are professionals in the sphere of teaching writing have no common thought regarding the number and name of the letters of Ukrainian alphabet, also there is a need for detailed exploring of the methodology of teaching the writing and writing of the punctuation marks and numbers. It is mentioned that all elements of the big and small letters of Ukrainian alphabet are divided on basic and additional. It is determUkrai18 basic and 5 additional elements of the letters and it is developed technical characteristics of their forms with detailed description of the methodology of the way of writing each. Іt is showed the examples of the writing of the additional elements of the letters based on rhythmic methodology.
It is shown recommendations regarding the application of the author methodology of teaching writing of the basic elements of the letters of Ukrainian alphabet, the punctuation marks and numbers in the process of the teaching future teachers of the beginning schools in the pedagogical higher education establishments and in the beginning school.