У статті зазначено, що фізична терапії жінок другого зрілого віку з остеохондрозом хребта у поперековому
відділі у післялікарняному періоді спрямована проти патогенезу захворювання та провідних синдромів, що
наголошувалися у кожного конкретного хворого. У комплекс фізичної терапії при попереково-крижовому
остеохондрозі хребта входять різні поєднання ЛФК, масажу та фізіотерапевтичного лікування.
The article states
that physical therapy of women of the second mature age with osteochondrosis of the spine in the lumbar department in the
post-hospital period is directed against the pathogenesis of the disease and the leading syndromes that were noted in each
particular patient. In the complex of physical therapy in the lumbar sacral osteochondrosis of the spine are different combinations
of exercise therapy, massage and physiotherapeutic treatment.
The analysis of scientific and methodological literature showed that currently physical therapy of women of the second
mature age with osteochondrosis in the lumbar spine in the post-hospital period is a really topical issue and a significant issue in
restoring patients and adapting them to society.Formulating the purpose of the study. The purpose of the study was to analyze
and identify modern approaches to the physical therapy of women of the second mature age with osteochondrosis of the spine in
the lumbar section in the post-hospital period.
Osteochondrosis of the spine is one of the most common pathologies among people. According to statistical data 75-
90% of the incidence is due to the working age (20-60 years), in connection with which the temporary disability is about 7% of
days from all diseases and 6% of the pathology of the nervous system.
The results of epidemiological studies show that osteochondrosis of the spine is an important problem and gave reason
to call it an illness of the age. The problem is further exacerbated by the low effectiveness of the programs used to treat this
illness. Sustained remission of the disease can be achieved not for a long time, but the inability to achieve a complete
regeneration of cartilage is a specific precondition for chronic course of the disease.