У статті проаналізовано проблему фахової підготовки студентів мистецьких факультетів; розкрито сутність
поняття «вокально-мовленнєва культура»; представлено педагогічні умови формування вокально-мовленнєвої
культури студентів. Особливе значення надавалося передбачуваному позитивному результату, який закладається
на індивідуальних вокальних заняттях, а потім переноситься у колективні форми співацької підготовки, згідно
методів моделювання, стандартизації, уніфікації, що сприяють приведення об’єктів формовияву – літературної
складової вокального твору в монологічному різновиді роботи вокально-фонаційного характеру. Фактором
удосконалення є набутий вокально-мовленнєвий досвід у процесі формування вокально-мовленнєвої культури,
що створює додаткові сприятливі умови творчого зростання в колі однодумців – професійних співаків-педагогів.
The problem of professional training of students of art faculties is analyzed. The essence of the concept of
"vocal and speech culture" is revealed. The pedagogical conditions of vocal and speech culture formation of
students of art faculties are presented. "The desire for self-control of orphoepical norms in singing activity" – the
first pedagogical condition, the purpose of which was to observe the language norm in the word-formation – the
basis of qualitative shaping in the process of singing activity. It was contributed to the purity of pronunciation, to the
elimination of dialects, to the formation of "individual form formation" within the limits of observance of literary
norms in vocal performance of students of art faculties. The formation of students` vocal and speech culture was
based on the basic laws of orphoepicity, which studies the specific phenomena of observance of the literary verbal
norm, orally (these are the norms of pronunciation, emphases, etc.); important for this pedagogical condition was the
students' desire to master orphoepic norms (on the example of a concrete vocal work) as an important means for
improving the vocal performance culture, and contributes to the formation of vocal and speech culture.
"Adherence to the artistic and stylistic conformity in vocal performances" is a pedagogical condition of
improving the vocal performance of students of faculties of art by means of artistic and stylistic conformity;
adherence to the aesthetic-style amplification (adding to the performance of vocal works of different genres and
styles, in order to comprehensively enrich their own repertoire, create a "bank of genre analogies", art associations)
that enrich the imaginative representation of students of art faculties). This pedagogical condition contributed to
the enrichment of vocal-performing, expressiveness in the process of formation of vocal and speech culture.
"Stimulation of future teachers of music to creative expression in vocal-performing activities" was aimed at
helping meaningful creative and performing work of students of art faculties – in the future of universal teachers,
repeaters of vocal values in the youth environment, where vocal and speech culture of students of art faculties was
formed – indicator of professional training of a teacher-innovator. According to the pedagogical conditions, a set of
methods was used in pedagogical work on the formation of vocal and speech culture of students of faculties of art.
Thus, the research experimentally confirms the effectiveness of the presented pedagogical conditions for
the formation of vocal and speech culture students art faculties. The conducted research does not exhaust all
aspects of consideration of the problem of the formation of vocal and speech culture and needs scientific
attention, taking into account the specifics of the study of foreign students at the art faculties of Ukrainian
pedagogical universities.