У статті розглянуто питання про психологізацію малої прози Бориса Грінченка та Стефана Коваліва, її реалізацію художніми засобами всіх порухів душі персонажів: внутрішнього стану, думок, роздумів, переживань, мотивацію вчинків, зумовлених внутрішніми й зовнішніми чинниками для того, щоб показати нелегкий шлях внутрішніх колізій. Акцентується увага на художньому зображенні портретних характеристик, міміки і жестів, мовних зворотів і манери оповіді дійових осіб, художній деталі, опису пейзажу тощо. У дослідженні також простежено еволюцію розвитку психологізму в українській прозі 30-х – 90-х років ХІХ століття та специфіку його художнього втілення в текстах різних років.
Introduction. The article deals with the issue of psychologizing flash fiction of Borys Hrinchenko and Stefan Kovaliv, its implementation by artistic means of all impulses of the characters: the internality, thoughts, thinking, experiences, motivation of actions, caused by internal and external factors, in order to show the difficult path of inner collisions. The emphasis is on the artworks of portrait features, facial expressions and gestures, rhetorical twists and narrative manners of cha racters, artistic details, description of the scenery, etc. The study also gives an overview of the evolution of the development of psychologism in the Ukrainian prose of the 30 and 90s of the nineteenth century and the specifics of its artistic presentati on in the texts of different years. The purpose of the work is to trace how and when the techniques of representation of psychologism in the Ukrainian popular fiction of the nineteenth century, from the period of realism to early modernism, started to appear and develop, to consider and analyze psychologization as one of the means of artistic presentation in the prose works of Borys Hrinchenko and Stefan Kovaliv. Methods of research – comparative-historical (when comparing individual works or their individual elements, and literatures of various cultural and historical communities), formal and structural-semiotic (for finding out the compositional specificity of works and for analyzing internally textual relationships), psychoanalytic (for definition subcons cious impulses of the author, expressed through the literary character’s inner world), hermeneutical (used to understand the fiction through comprehension of the worldview features of the writer), receptive-historical (in determining how artistic and expressive means reveal the author’s idea). This made it possible to observe the connection of the work of the above-mentioned authors with the achievements of their precessors (H. Kvitka-Osnovianenko, Mark Vovchok, Panas Myrnyi, Yu. Fedkovych, I. Nechui -Levytskyi), as well as differences in the depiction of their artistic techniques and means of psychologization both in large and in small prose forms. The material of the searching was the texts of the prose works of Borys Hrinchenko and S. Kovaliva of the 80s o f the nineteenth century and the 10s of the twentieth century, the works of Ukrainian and Russian prose -writers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Historiography of the problem. The analysis of recent researches and publications showed that the issue of psychologism was considered by many scholars (L. Hinzburg, M. Kodak, V. Faschenko, M. Khrapchenko, M. Tarnavskyi, M. Bondar). Significant contribution to the study of the psychologism of B. Hrinchenko and the psychologization of the images of the writer’s stories was made by I. Pilhuk, A. Pohribnyi, N. Kovalenko, P. Khropko, V. Yaremenko, and modern scholars I. Andrikevych, A. Vashikov and L. Vashki, I. Livytska, N. Kolomiets, L. Melnychenko). Some literary scholars (V. Lesyn,
M. Rudnytskyi, M. Hnatiuk, R. Horak, O. Kolinko) at one time turned to the understanding of the figure of S. Kovaliv, analyzed his artistic prose, in particular on the psychological side.
Conclusions Exposing the teacher’s image in his stories and short novels, it is noteworthy that the artists (Borys Hrinchenko and Stefan Kovaliv) studied the numerous facets of his mental life, they deepen into his inner world, covering the most threshold states of the soul. The nature of the characters was reproduced mainly by their actions. The portraits of characters in the works are dynamic, help to reveal their true essence, for this the writer resorted to a variety of artistic techniques and means of psychologization. The depth of psychologism of «teacher’s prose» is the achievement of the general development of the Ukrainian epic literature of the last third of the nineteenth century, one of the main features of which is the transition to wider generalizations of social mediation of the psychological state of the hero. The attempts of the prose writers of this time to comprehend and artistically recreate the internal causes of the psychological tragedies of human existence (the birth and development of loneliness, suffering, etc.) also demonstrate the fact that Ukrainian prose in the specified period headed to existential tendencies.