У статті здійснено компаративний аналіз вибраних віршів Максима Рильського і Юрія Клена, присвячених діонісійству. Розглянуто архетиповий образ Діоніса як експлікатуру і як імплікатуру. Виокремлено його іпостась – Заґрея. Порівняно різдвяну і діонісійську символіку. Виявлено античний, кельтський, германський, український, універсальний контексти проаналізованих віршів.
Introduction. The article presents a comparative analysis of selected poems by Maxim Rylsky and Yuriy Klen. Purpose. The analyzed texts describe or code the character of Dionysus (Bacchus) in the texts of the mentioned authors. Methods. The study uses such methods as: comparative (philological and mythological), symbological, poetological. The facts about Dionysus (Zagreus) are borrowed from the studies of Robert Graves as full, comparative and because of the German-Celtic ethnicity of this scholar and writer. The facts about this deity are also based on the comparative religion studies. Results. The article proves the mental and educational factors as an influence on the archetypes and symbols. Especially, the context of the poem by Yuriy Klen bout Dionysus in January is based on the German symbols, rites, archetypes, because the author was ethnical German. The archetypal character of Dionysus as an explication and as an implication is considered. The on e of his hypostasis as Zagreus is drawn up. Originality. The Christmas and Dionysian symbols are compared. The ancient, Celtic, Germanic, Ukrainian, universal contexts in the analyzed poems are singled out. The study has disassembled such symbols of Dionysus in these texts as: cup, vine, maenads, dance, sing (and singing), thyrsus, jasmine, mistletoe, fir -tree, fire, mantle, dolphin and so on. Some symbols and deities are contaminated in the common ecstasy (Pan and Dionysus) in the analyzed poems. Conclusion. The research proves that the Dionysian motifs are transformed by neoclassic. These motifs are antique and French (the last one is transit) in the poems by early Maxim Rylsky because of the French education base of this poet, an d Yuriy Klen made the Germanic system of the Dionysian motifs. But the common factors are the Antique and the Ukrainian contexts. The study also demonstrates that the Dionysian motifs and symbols as neoclassical retrospective are even in the lat e lyrics by Maxim Rylsky. Dionysus in the poetry of the Ukrainian neoclassic is not sexual deity only, but this character symbolizes inspiration and even poet as a person who can make the dialogue with sacral spheres during mysteries. The binary opposition of Eros and Thanatos in the texts is given.