У статті розглянуто роль і значення, науково-педагогічні результати діяльності академіка Петра Панасовича Хропка як організатора, відповідального редактора і чільного співавтора при створенні низки інноваційних університетських підручників із історії української літератури ХІХ – початку ХХ століття, здійснено проблемний огляд і поцінування написаних ученим оглядових і "портретних" розділів трьох підручників для студентів-філологів.
Introduction. The role and the signification, the scientific-pedagogical results of long-years activity by academician Petro Panasovych Khropko as a organizer and a main author of the university’s Histories of the Ukrainian Literature are analyzed.
Purpose. To investigate this process in the context of scientific tradition Ukrainian Literature ’s Department National University named after Mykhajlo Drahomanov to prepare and to publish necessary textbooks for students speciality "The Ukrainian Philology". To describe the individual features of P.Khropko’s scholar style as the polyhistorical creative manner.
Results. The theoretical and historical-literature content of significant chapters by Ph. D. (Philology) P.Khropko from such textbooks as "The History of the Ukrainian Literature of the end of XIX-th – the beginning of the XX-th centuries" (Kyiv, 1991), "The History of the Ukrainian Literature: the first decades of the XIX cc." (Kyiv, 1992) and "The History of the Ukrainian Literature: 40-th-60-th, 70-th-90-th years" (2010) in the article is investigated. His innovation scholars ideas (about humanism Ukrainian Literature, its national originality, international connections and many others) is described, properly studied and evaluated.
Conclusion. The complex study of all acad. P.Khropko’s scholar heritage gives us the perspective to found real coordinates of the scientist’s innovation and his creative achievements, valuable distribution for the development of nation philology education and the ukrainian literary studies.