Стаття присвячена теоретичному дослідженню педагогічних умов формування
готовності кухарів-кондитерів до конкурентоспроможності в процесі навчання в професійно-
технічних навчальних закладах. На основі наукових досліджень видатних вчених проаналізовано
та розкрито сутність поняття “конкурентоспроможність”. Розглядаються педагогічні
умови, що сприяють ефективному формуванню готовності до конкурентоспроможності
кухарів-кондитерів. Доводиться, що формування якостей конкурентоспроможності в процесі
навчання є другою за значенням після отримання знань, умінь і навичок складовою професійного
The article is devoted to the theoretical study of pedagogical conditions for the chefsconfectioners’
competation readiness formation in the process of professional training. The essence of
concepts, such as: “readiness”, “pedagogical conditions”, “competitiveness” is revealed. The
pedagogical conditions of the chefs-confectioners’ competation readiness formation under the modern
labor market conditions are presented. The problem of the chefs-confectioners’ competation readiness
formation in a vocational school is considered. In particular, the main criteria of competitiveness of the
chef-confectioner are determined.
The main conceptual provisions in the chefs-confectioners’ competation readiness formation
during the process of professional training in vocational schools are formulated, namely: the
knowledge system introduction about competition in the professional training content; the formation of
the personal qualities of a student who is ready for competitiveness in the labor market and the
introduction of the pedagogical conditions for the chefs-confectioners’ competation readiness
formation through the introduction of continuous scientific and methodological support measures in
the educational process.
It is shown that the process of the chefs-confectioners’ competation readiness formation in the
process of the chefs-confectioners training in vocational schools is a pedagogical system, which is
constructed taking into account the future chefs-confectioners professional activity specifics, the
content, types and forms of competition and involves the formation of the individuals’ ability to
continuous self-development and the formation of the competitiveness, the necessary personal qualities
formation of highly skilled workers.
Based on the analysis of the existing the theory and practice approaches to the chefsconfectioners’
competation readiness formation problem solving, it has been shown that the problem of
the future skilled workers practical skills development, the modern food industry technologies
development are actualizing in the process of such professional training. The analysis of the theoretical
approaches to the the chefs-confectioners’ competation readiness formation allowed us to determine
that nowadays it is necessary to use such forms and methods in this process, which combine the
informational, educational and active components of the training and aim the chef-confectioner
personality forming, who are capable to carry out their professional activities on a high level and are
able to compete on the modern labor market.