У статті досліджується феномен життєвого вибору. Проаналізовано психологічні особливості здатності особистості до життєвого вибору в юності. Презентовано зміст та результати апробації авторського опитувальника для дослідження особливостей здатності до здійснення авторського життєвого вибору особистості віку пізньої юності.
Psychological phenomenon of life choise provide human competence of their life
circumstances’ management. Individual makes his life choise in difficult, recessionary
circumstances. Such choice designates his further life for a long time. Life choice in
youth is considered as subjective (R. Gussejnov), existential (E. Stepura), independent
(E. Alieva) in psychological literature. Personality of youth age makes life choices deal
with realization of his sense-of-life and value orientations, with strategic purposes and
plans of his future life. So, life choice of personality youth age is considered as subjective, existential and autonomous phenomenon in modern psychological science. Youngsters experience their personal freedom and responsibility in term of their life choice.
Authors’ checklist «Authors life choice» was developed for research of special features of authors’ life choice of personality in youth. This methodics includes scales of
authonomy of choice, existential bases of choice, justification of choice, complacency
of choice, resilience of personality in conditions of life choice. In conditions of experimental research high level of capacity of authors’ life choice was educed of fewer than
half of youngsters.
230 students of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University and Oleksandr
Dovzhenko Hlukhiv national pedagogical university took part in experimental research. Youngsters with high level of authors life choice are capable of designing their
own life project. They have an internal locus of control. They also create their own, authors, life goals and plans. Young people with medium level prefer to use stereotyped
directions of life goals’ achievement. Young adults with low level of this phenomenon
have a very limited abilities of their life choices’ management.