У статті аналізується рецепція важливих аспектів творчості класика української реалістичної прози І. Нечуя-Левицького та особливості розвитку реалізму української літератури, представленного українським дослідником-літературознавцем М. Зеровим. Трактується праця «Українське письменство ХІХ ст. від Куліша до Винниченка (нариси з новітнього українського письменства)» М. Зерова як застосування біографічного методу у творчості І. Нечуя-Левицького.
Introduction: the article analyzes the works of I. Nechuy-Levytsky’s classical Ukrainian realistic prose and the realism of Ukrainian literature at the reception of the famous Ukrainian researcher-literary critic M. Zerov. Purpose: to analyze the reception of important aspects of the works of I. Nechuy-Levytsky’s classics of Ukrainian realistic prose and the peculiarities of the development of the realism of Ukrainian literature through the prism of the studies of Ukrainian literary critic M. Zerov. Methods: analysis, synthesis, biographical method, hermeneutic. Results: the dissertation interprets the work «Ukrainian Literature of the XIX-th сentury. From Kulish to Vynnychenko (essays on the latest Ukrainian writing)» M. Zerov as an application of the biographical method, linking the life and work of I. Nechuy-Levytsky. Originality: literary research has not yet taken place in such a formulation. Conclusion: Ukrainian realists and I. Nechuy-Levytsky at the reception of M. Zerov appear through the prism of knowledge of the spirit of the historical epoch. The researcher for understanding the logic of the writer’s work, deepened the topic of psychological interpretation of creative personality, demonstrated the literary process of realism as the unceasing trend of change and development of genres, artistic forms, tropics, language and stylistic literacy. M. Zerov in his perception and literary analysis of Ukrainian realism and creativity of I. Nechuy-Levytsky distinguishes two directions: literary criticism and poetic-translation. He also followed the biographical method of analysis, argued the uniqueness of each national mentality, interpreting the problem of the indispensable targeting of each literature on
the top of the achievements of the world artistic genius.