В статті розкрито структуру Школи компетентностей, принципи та організаційно-методичні особливості щодо її
ефективного функціонування на уроках з фізичної культури в початкових класах.
The article describes the School of Competence structure, the organizational principles and methodological
features of its effective functioning in physical education lessons in primary school.
Nowadays, there has not been developed a technique for a PE lesson that would allow the teacher to fulfill all the
requirements of the curriculum simultaneously as well as take into account the principles of student-oriented instruction and
competence education.
A new technique, The School of Competence based on the contemporary research in the field of secondary school PE has
been developed and tested. This methodology takes into consideration positive and negative trends in the up-to-date secondary
physical education. The definition of the School of Competence is given: it is a social union of 7-11 –year-old students, their teachers
and parents united with the same goal of enriching their own experience of effective co-existence in the surrounding world. The new
technique concentrates the teacher’s attention on the step-by-step solution of specific curriculum tasks as well as focuses on
competence-oriented assignments creating. The pedagogical tasks are combined into three groups with educational and health
objectives in each.
Each objective refers to a specific group of competences (social, functional, motivational). Each group of competences is
expected to be developed through a certain block of curriculum material (information, activities, motivation) which is thoroughly
selected. The lesson consists of four steps: adaptation; search; training; the conclusion. During each step the teacher gives his or
her students certain "moving tasks" which make them mobilize their motion experience, cooperate, learn to lead and obey corporate
rules. Taking into account the fact that during the lesson the students should also be functionally improved, certain tasks related to
cardio training are offered in the search and training parts of the lesson. Such differentiated tasks for students of different typological
groups allow meeting the current requirements for regulating the exercise stress of children and adolescents with different health
status and level of preparedness. One of the results of the experimental work is the developed algorithm of pedagogical actions for
those teachers who will decide to start developing the School of Competence.