В статті розглянуті організаційно – педагогічні умови успішного формування мотивації до занять фізичної
культури та спортом в умовах вільного часу.
We can organize a lesson of healthing direction with the help of a lot of exercises that is why we need determine principal
differences of their influence on morphological and functional features of an organism. So we can distinguish four kinds of exercises:
stretching; aerobic; force; mixed exercises.
As a result of a lack of moving activities at a human’s organism it takes place a disorder of nervous and reflectory
correlations which are laid by a nature itself as well as these correlations are fastened at a process of physical labour; this leads to
upsetting a regulation of activities of cardial and vascular system and other systems as well as to disorder of metabolism. For normal
functioning of a human’s organism as well as for saving health it is necessary a certain dose of moving activities. In this connection it appears a question about so – called habitual moving activities that is activities which are carried out during daily professional labour.
The most adequate indicator of a quantity of done muscular work is the value of energy consumptions.
We can distinguish general and special effect of physical exercises as well as their influence on factors of risk. The most
general effect of training is a consumption of energy which proportional to a durability and intensity of muscular activities; this permits
to compensate a lack of energy consumptions. A great importance has an increase of stability of an organism to action of negative
factors of environment too: stresses, high and low temperatures, radiation, a lack of oxygen.
As a result of increasing non – specific immunity a stability to cold deceases rises as well. However application of extreme
training loads which are necessary at professional sport for achievement of better sport form at healthing physical culture it
frequently leads to opposite effect: an immunity is decreased but an apprehension to deceases is risen. The same negative effect we
can obtain during lessons on physical culture with excessive increasing of a load. Special effect of healthing training is connected
with increasing functional possibilities cardial and vascular system. This effect is the economization of cardial work at a rest as well
as a rise of reserve opportunities of blood apparatus during muscular activities.