У статті подані та науково обґрунтовані механізми зниження артеріального тиску у людей хворих на есенціальну артеріальну гіпертензію. Проаналізовані різні методики та програми фізичної реабілітації, виявлені та рекомендовані найбільш доступні та універсальні засоби реабілітації, використання яких призводить до нормалізації артеріального тиску.
В статье представлены и научно обоснованы механизмы снижения артериального давления у людей больных эссенциальной артериальной гипертензией. Проанализированы различные методики и программы физической реабилитации, обнаружены и рекомендованы наиболее доступные и универсальные средства реабилитации, использование которых приводит к нормализации артериального давления.
This article has presented scientific-based mechanisms of reduction of blood pressure in patients with essential hypertension. Various techniques and physical therapy programs was analyzed. It has been recommended the most accessible and universal means of physical therapy which leads to normalization of blood pressure. It has been found that endothelial dysfunction leads in the pathogenesis of hypertension. As the result of the endothelial dysfunction the secretion of vasodilators is reduced. The sedentary lifestyle, violation of diet, work and rest regime causes the endothelial dysfunction. Physical rehabilitation program should be built with the use of influencing to the mechanisms of lowering blood pressure. Such as the reducing of cardiac output, reducing the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, reducing of the total peripheral vascular resistance, increasing the baroreceptors sensitivity and reducing the plasma volume.
It is recommended to use the cyclic and strength exercises to influence to the mechanisms of lowering blood pressure. Intense exercise can stimulate the activity of the sympathetic nervous system and the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in such a way that the hypotensive effect of physical activity of less intensity has increases. Complex using of this exercises and using of the sauna as thermo-contrast method of rehabilitation can achieve a more pronounced lowering effect of catecholamines and plasma volume. Means of physical rehabilitation that require high concentration and neuro-emotional stress endowed powerful adaptation incentive to train the sympathetic nervous system. Therefore, the physical rehabilitation program should be supplemented by coordination kinds of physical activity. To train the mechanisms of the orthostatic vessels reaction and to increase the sensitivity of baroreceptors the physical exercise should be used with different starting position. Using of these means of physical rehabilitation will lead to a reduction in blood pressure by influencing to the mechanisms of lowering blood pressure.