У статті проаналізовано зміст та структуру тренувального процесу студентів-волейболістів протягом підготовчого періоду в спортивній секції. Визначено показники співвідношення засобів тренувальної роботи й навантаження різної спрямованості на різних етапах підготовчого періоду.
В статье проанализировано содержание и структуру тренировочного процесса студентов-волейболистов в течение подготовительного периода в спортивной секции. Определены показатели соотношения средств тренировочной работы и нагрузки различной направленности на разных этапах подготовительного периода.
The article analyzes the content and structure of the training process of volleyball students during the preparatory period in the sports section. The indices of the ratio of the means of training work and the load of different directions at different stages of the preparatory period are determined. The article examines the structure of the training process of students volleyball-players during the preparatory period of summer training cycle. Defined indicators of the ratio of the means of training work and loads of different directions at different stages of the preparatory period.
Volleyball is one of the most popular sports events in the world of student youth. The problem of the motivations of the training process in the course of student volleyball at the intersection of sports activities on the day-to-day stage is to be topical, chomped, from one side, to a wide range of sports sections and volleyball, and on the other hand - in- student-volleyball competitions at the intersections of the traumatic period. The effectiveness of the training process depends primarily on appropriate planning, the use of different types of control and on this basis - the timely correction. The students volleyball at some stage aimed primarily at achieving the necessary level of physical condition of the body, thereby increasing overall skill athletes. The training process of training students volleyball has structure.