В статті представлено результати опитування спортсменів високої кваліфікації на предмет пріоритетності
застосування різних засобів теоретичної підготовки у процесі багаторічного спортивного удосконалення в циклічних
видах спорту.
The article presents the results of a survey of high-skilled athletes on the priority of the use of various means of
theoretical training in the process of long-term sport improvement in cyclic sports.
The generalization of the results of the athletes answers regarding the expediency of using different means of theoretical
training in the process of multi-year sports improvement has shown that a large number of respondents insists on the importance of
using the latest information technologies to increase the level of theoretical preparedness of athletes at all stages of preparation. The
need to use such theoretical training tools as collections of scientific articles, study guides, monographs, reference books and
encyclopedias, electronic and audio books, pedagogical testing and conducting lectures increases with the skill of athletes. In
contrast, the view of films and television programs, the conduct of games and practical measures for the use of posters, drawings
and animation as the means of theoretical training, according to the majority of respondents, is effective only at the initial stages of
preparation. At the same time, the use of collecting as a means of transferring theoretical information, most athletes consider it
inappropriate at all stages of preparation.