У статті розглянуто результативність провідних спортсменок України у командних змаганнях із фехтування на
шпагах (на прикладі сезону 2014-2015 рр.). На основі аналізу показників змагальної діяльності та індивідуальної
результативності на певній позиції під час поєдинків з командами-суперницями встановлено, що найбільш результативною
спортсменкою упродовж сезону 2014-2015 рр. у командних змаганнях була Шемякіну Я., на що вказала її індивідуальна
результативність – «+93».
In the article there was considered the impact of Ukrainian leading
athletes in team competitions in epee fencing (for example, the season 2014-2015). Based on the analysis of competitive performance
and individual efficiency in a certain position during fights with opposing teams, there was found that the most effective athlete during the
season 2014-2015 in the team competition was Shemyakina Y., which was pointed by her individual performance - "+93 " on the position
of the first number. On the position of the second number the best performance was demonstrated by Panteleyeva K. and Krivitska O.
("+10" and "+7" respectively). In the 35 matches Panteleyeva K. won 13 (37.1 %), lost 17 (48.5 %) and five bouts were draws (14.2 %).
Krivitska O. had 60 fights, 21 victory (35.0 %), 28 defeats (46.6 %) and 11 draws (18.4%).
The least amount of fights were held by two athletes – Bezhura F. and Ivchenko A. (24 and 10 fights). Bezhura F. had 7
victories (29.1%), 14 defeats (58.4 %) and three draws (12.5 %). Her individual efficiency was "-20". Ivchenko A. won two bouts (20.0
%), seven lesions (70.0 %) and one draw (10.0 %). Her individual efficiency was "-13". Pochkalova A. got 25 wins (29.1 %), 42 defeats
(58.4 %) and 22 draws (12.5 %). Her individual efficiency was "-14". The best results were demonstrated on the position of the second