Досліджено та обґрунтовано зміст сучасного тренувального процеcу кваліфікованих спортсменів в
акробатичному рок-н-ролі. Визначено співвідношення напрямів підготовки та ранг видів підготовок за ступенями
значущості у тренувальному процесі кваліфікованих спортсменів в акробатичному рок-н-ролі. Дослідження проводилось
на базі спортивних клубів міста Харкова і Києва. В експериментальній його частині взяли участь 20 провідних тренерів
та суддів України різної кваліфікації.
Explored and grounded
content of contemporary training process qualified athletes in acrobatic rock and role. The correlation training areas and species
blindings ranked by degree of significance in the training process of the qualified athletes in acrobatic rock and role.
The study was conducted at the sports clubs of Kharkiv and Kyiv. In the experimental part was attended by 20 leading
trainers and judges of different skills, documentation used for sport (competition rules and protocols, amendments, etc.). For the task
used a set of scientific methods.
Results of the study showed that the major types of training in acrobatic rock and role have special physical and technical,
which play a key role in the preparation of high-class athletes. Characteristics of these parameters has a relationship with dance technique and performance levels of athletes acrobatic elements. According to experts the overall physical, psychological and
tactical training to carry out the training process of skilled athletes, to some extent, supporting role.
The differences in assessing the importance of areas of training that are evident in the survey of experts indicate that an
important factor in optimizing the training process of the qualified athletes in acrobatic rock 'n' role is taking into account the
variability of individual parameters of the training process depending on the state of preparedness of athletes and phase of the
training cycle.