Рассмотрены особенности тактики, тактические умения и навыки в гребле академической. Показана цель тактической подготовки, которая заключается в воспитании у спортсмена способности как организовать и вести спортивное состязание. Показан ряд частных и основных задач, которые решаются спортсменом в процессе освоения спортивной тактики. Описаны особенности тактического мышления, а также способы овладения и совершенствования тактическим мышлением. Показано какие необходимо развивать способности для совершенствования тактического мышления спортсмена.
Розглянуті особливості тактики, тактичні уміння і навички у веслуванні академічному. Показана мета тактичної підготовки, яка полягає у вихованні у спортсмена здатності як організувати і вести спортивне змагання. Показаний ряд приватних і основних завдань, які вирішуються спортсменом в процесі освоєння спортивної тактики. Описані особливості тактичного мислення, а також способи оволодіння і вдосконалення тактичним мисленням. Показано які необхідно розвивати здібності для вдосконалення тактичного мислення спортсмена.
In this article features of tactics and tactical skills in rowing. Here is shown that the purpose of tactical training, which is the education of the athlete's ability to organize and conduct sports. It showed a number of private and major problems to be solved during the development of athletes in sports tactics. The features of tactical thinking, and ways of mastering and improving tactical thinking. Showing what is necessary to develop the ability to improve tactical thinking athlete. In rowing, despite the standard long-distance competition, the results of individual races differ significantly, which often depends on the behavior of the enemy in the race, identity meteorological conditions, power flow, the depth of the waters, the coasts of the structure and other factors. Coming at the start, the rower every time enters the new situation. This causes fluctuations in the results at a distance of 2000 m. At times to almost 2 minutes. In this context, the ability to efficiently build a competitive activity, to choose the optimal variant of a tactical race is considered by experts as an integral part of competitive activity in rowing. In this research we determined that it is possible to distinguish three types of tactical operations: tactical skills; options (alternatives) tactical skills; tactical actions as a result of productive and creative intellectual activity. Under understand options tactical skills developed in relation to specific situations of possible ways to solve tactical problems, as it were adjacent to the tactical skills, typical for standard situations. At the final stage of tactical training when an athlete has a certain tactical knowledge and skills, he is already beginning to form tactical thinking. Tactical training should be planned as part of the production process. She should be given due attention, as it, like other types of training, is of great importance in the practice of training and competitive athlete.