У статті показано ефективність певних засобів фізичної реабілітації хворим після торакопластики, підбір і застосування яких визначалися на основі аналізу порушень біомеханіки рухового апарату обумовлених перенесеною операцією.
В статье показана эффективность определенных средств физической реабилитации больным после торакопластики, подбор и применение которых производился на основе анализа нарушений биомеханики двигательного аппарата, обусловленных перенесенной операцией.
The article shows the effectiveness of the best measures of physical rehabilitation of persons who have performed torakoplastyka about tuberculosis by analyzing the biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system breach caused transferred operation. To achieve clinical and therapeutic effect in the treatment of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis is important physiologically reasonable selection, proper dosage of exercise and the sequence of their execution. In the treatment method of physical therapy should be changed periodically depending on the nature of the formation of adaptive reactions to the new conditions of stationary or spa treatment, clinical of the disease, the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and the overall fitness of the patient. Surgical treatment has been used successfully in a variety of lung diseases. Indications for surgery is unsuccessful conservative medical treatment and disease progression. The analysis of the medical literature, literature in physical rehabilitation and medical practice - rehabilitators, shows that in the thoracic therapy very great importance to finding the most efficient methods of preparing patients for surgery and emergency rehabilitation in the postoperative period. After a period of illness in the body, new qualitative responses that differ from normal physiology. When lung diseases are manifested allergies, intoxication and structural changes in the lung tissue, resulting in a broken breath, nervous control, metabolic processes. Therefore, one of the criteria for cure of tuberculosis and nonspecific lung diseases is to restore the functions and efficiency. If after resection of lung function is not renewed or not renewed, it will be reduced or absent capacity. This is her main task is physical rehabilitation, which found its rightful place in the complex surgical treatment of this type. The program should include physical rehabilitation algorithm rehabilitation process after torakoplastychnyh operations methodological features and instructions on the use of physical therapy and massage in the early and late postoperative periods.