У статті розглядається професійна підготовка майбутніх фахівців фізичної культури. Подано
методи розв’язання оздоровчих, виховних та освітніх функцій, виокремлено ряд принципів, описано взаємозалежні
дидактичні компоненти для досягнення цілі й розв’язання задач фізичного виховання.
В статье рассматривается
профессиональная подготовка будущих специалистов физической культуры. Подано методы решения оздоровительных,
воспитательных и образовательных функций, выделен ряд принципов, описаны взаимосвязаны дидактические
компоненты для достижения цели и решения задач физического воспитания.
The article deals with the professional
preparedness of future physical training specialists.
In terms of quality reforming of educational content social importance of physical education increases, demands for the
system of physical education training strengthen, a priority task of this system is the formation of harmoniously developed personality
with the degree of readiness for social and professional activities graduatedfromthe high educational institution.
Methods for solving health, training and education functions are presented, a number of principles is singled out, interrelated
didactic components for achieving goals and solving problems of physical education are described.
The goal of physical education and predictable result are related to the program of social and economic development of
Ukraine, which provides harmonious development of personality. The purpose is specified in applied direction and lies in versatile
physical training to learning and employment process.
The content of professional skills of physical education specialist consists of specific efferent and properly pedagogical skills.
The former include the technique of exercise of university programs. Actually pedagogical skills are synthesizing theoretical knowledge
and practical action, possession of methods of training and education of students. Hence a future specialist has a problem in the
formation of certain complex of skills by means of foreign language training, the use of which would ensure the proper implementation
of physical activity in higher education institution and the employment activities. Thus, the formation of communicative skills is an
important aspect of future physical training teachers’ preparing in the process of foreign language study.