У Радянському Союзі міграції мали державне значення й організований характер. Існував спеціальний державний апарат, що забезпечував переселенську політику влади та займався регулюванням міграцій населення. Переселення здійснювалось у двох напрямках – сільськогосподарському та індустріальному. За кожен напрямок відповідали спеціальні державні органи. Переселенські структури неодноразово змінювали назви, повноваження та функції, що й проаналізовано автором.
The migration in the Soviet Union had the status of national significance and was well organized. There was a special state staff that provided and immigration policy of the government and did the regulation of people migration. Immigration organizations have changed their names, status and functions many times, which have been analyzed by the author.Despite the organizational changes, the purpose of activity and functions of the main state migrant body - the Head Migrant Department and the Head Department of organizing employment of the staff at the CM USSR and their structural subdivisions were almost unchanged. That meant the ensuring of governmental plans about the migration t and economic placement of people. Quantitative and qualitative indicators of the Departments is vexed question because the planned character of all this process of migration on the one side and the voluntary nature of the process on the other put the staff in a difficult situation. The principle of voluntariness often put at risk to the implementation of migration plan, so the administrative burden on potential immigrants took place. Optimization of the working of state migration bodies led to a reduction in their staff and joining of duties in one State Committee of Council of Ministers of USSR on the using of labor resources. As we see a word "migration" has disappeared from the title structure as the primary task of the Committee was studying the needs of different regions, provinces and cities in the workforce, employment of population and retraining of the workers according to the needs of industry and, only then it did the implementation and organization of migration.