Стаття присвячена проблемі формування інтелектуально-творчих умінь майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва. Ґрунтуючись на результатах аналізу робіт вітчизняних і
зарубіжних вчених виявлено, що інструментально виконавська підготовки має великий потенціал для формування інтелектуально-творчих умінь у майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва. Розкривається зміст, завдання інструментально-виконавської підготовки як найважливішої частини професійної підготовки педагога-музиканта.
It should be said that the aim of the article is to give information about the impact of potential instrumental performance training for creative and intellectual development of a musician. Revealed factors that determine the success of this process, and the role of potential instrumental performance training with a professional formation of future teachers of music.
The article deals with the formation of intellectual and creative abilities of the future teachers of music. Based on the analysis of the works of Ukraine and foreign scientists have discovered the potential of instrumental performing preparation for the formation of intellectual and creative abilities at the future teachers of music. It should be said that the aim of the article is
to give information about the impact of reading music for creative and intellectual development of a musician. Revealed factors that determine the success of this process, and the role of potential instrumental performance training with a professional formation of future teachers of music. The analysis of literature on the given problem shows that many scientists of the past paid a great attention to the problem. The content, objectives instrumental performance training as an essential part of training the teacher-musician. The analysis of literature on the given problem shows that many scientists paid a great attention to the problem. This is one of the most important problems of training of future music teachers.