Стаття розкриває особливості педагогічної діагностики виконавських навичок гри на фортепіано в учнів дитячих музичних шкіл. Проведення експериментальної роботи
відбувалось шляхом залучення сукупності спеціально підібраних методів і засобів, що сприяли виявленню сформованості означених навичок.
The article reveals peculiarities of formation of pedagogical diagnostics performing skills piano pupils of children's music schools. Conducting experimental work took place by bringing
together specially selected methods and tools that facilitated detection of formation of the mentioned skills. Among them: the empirical methods of questioning, testing, diagnostic surveys,
diagnostic and creative tasks, pedagogical supervision, methods of verbal conversations, interviews, methods of mathematical statistics, theoretical methods of analysis, specification, comparison, generalization of the statistical data and more. Сonducted surveys of students 5-6 classes of children's music schools, as well as diagnostic survey of teachers, accompanists
children's music schools, future music teachers revealed that all groups of respondents attitude to the problem of skills formation performing piano playing is entirely positive. Solving the problem of formation of executive skills piano lets you upgrade instrumental in preparing students performing children's music schools by creating special methodological support.