Стаття розкриває особливості процесуально-рівневого аналізу художньо-інформаційної компетентності студентів інститутів мистецтв педагогічних університетів. Художньо-інформаційна компетентність розглянута як спеціально
структурований набір художньо-музичних знань, умінь, навичок, яких набувають студенти у навчальній діяльності. У процесі діагностичної роботи надана якісна характеристика
низькому, середньому та високому рівням художньо-інформаційної обізнаності майбутніх учителів музики.
The article reveals the peculiarities of procedural-level artistic and analysis of information competence of students of pedagogical institutes arts universities. Thesis there is determined psychological and educational components of teacher competence, namely differentialpsychological, which include knowledge about the specifics of learning specific students according to age and individual characteristics; social and psychological, as knowledge about the peculiarities of teaching and learning, creative and communicative activities students;
autopsyholohichni revealing knowledge of the achievements and shortcomings of their own professional, personal and characteristic features of a teacher.Art and information competence considered as specially structured set of artistic and musical knowledge and skills that students acquire in their training activities. Considering the artistic and structural building information competence it is advisable to distinguish the following components: cognitive potrebovo, Knowledge Technology, creative-projective and their performance. During the display of diagnostic abovementioned us was made distribution of students by level of structural components
conducting and choral music training of future teachers konstatuvalnoho the results of the experiment.