У статті розглядається один з етапів експериментальної роботи з формування мотиваційно-спрямованого компонента музично-виконавської підготовки майбутніх учителів музики з використанням сугестивних технологій; розробляється, впроваджується і перевіряється ефективність методичного інструментарію, що дозволяє сформувати означений компонент нашого дослідження.
It is mentioned that the motivationally directed component in the structure of our research is a complex formation and provides for an interest in musically performing activities and future music teachers` desire to cognize the performing mastery laws, expresses a high motivational formation degree concerning of musically performing training and students` attitude to musical art. The experiment stage on forming of stated component of musically performing future music teachers training using suggestive technology was defined as orientationally adaptational. Experimental work at this stage was aimed at achieving twin goals – orientation of students in their
encouragement in musically performing activity and in inherent to suggestive technology nontraditional forms, methods, tools and techniques that promoted students` adaptation to the process of professional training. The given component formation of musically performing future music teachers training was occurring according to definite matter. At orientationally adaptational stage of the experiment on the basis of interdisciplinary integration methodical tools is being developed, implemented and tested. Variational combination of suggestive methods and tools (relaxation training, complex method of human condition managing which functions on linguistic and lexical basis, lexical formulas of suggestion and selfhypnosis)
with traditional methods of artistic training (conversations, surveys, testing, cognitive games, educational discussions, encouragement, clarification and pedagogical explanation, artistic
practice, demonstration and figurative) has become the basis of this instruments. It promoted future music teachers` motivational direction in musically performing formation training.