У статті наводяться результати аналізу науково-педагогічної літератури та анкетування студентів Київського
національного торгівельно-економічного університету, щодо формування інтересу до занять шейпінгом для вдосконалення
своїх фізичних можливостей та самореалізації у подальшій професійній діяльності.
В статье приводятся результаты анализа научно-педагогической литературы и
анкетирования студентов Киевского национального торгово-экономического университета с целью формированию интереса
к занятиям шейпингом для усовершенствования своих физических возможностей и самореализации в дальнейшей
профессиональной деятельности.
To the article the results of analysis of scientifically-pedagogical
literature and questionnaire of students of the Kyiv national trade and economic university are driven with an aim to forming of interest in
engaging in shaping for the improvement of the physical possibilities and self-realization in further professional activity.
The goal of researching is a theoretical basis of effect of shaping exercises, form the students’ interest to this type of fitness, help
the stimulation of the interest to Physical Culture as a kind of health improvement and rising of work productivity. Research aim - in theory to ground efficiency of engaging in shaping, form interest of students in this type of fitness, to assist
stimulation of interest in a physical culture, as to the means of strengthening of health and increase of efficiency of labour.
Research tasks:
1. To investigate and analyses scientific literature from pedagogics, psychology, theory and methodology of physical education,
aesthetics, different types of fitness and define position of the investigated problem.
2. To conduct the questionnaire of students with the aim of research of them physical preparedness and changes that took place
under act of engaging in shaping.
3. To investigate possibility of the use of shaping for forming of proof interest of students to engaging in this kind of fitness, and
also relations are of students to physical education on the whole.