В статті здійснена спроба обґрунтування шляхів професійної підготовки майбутніх учителів фізичної культури
засобами проектної діяльності. Визначено зміст педагогічного проектування, а саме сукупності дій, що полягають у
мотиваційному досягненні свідомо поставленої мети щодо дослідження і вирішення педагогічних ситуацій, спрямованих на
розвиток суб’єктів освітнього процесу.
В статье предпринята попытка обоснования путей профессиональной
подготовки будущих учителей физической культуры средствами проектной деятельности. Определено содержание
педагогического проектирования, а именно совокупности действий, которые заключаются в мотивационном достижении
сознательно поставленной цели по исследованию и решению педагогических ситуаций, направленных на развитие субъектов
образовательного процесса.
The article is an attempt to justify the ways of training future teachers of physical culture by means of project activities. Studying the location of project activity in training future teachers of physical training researchers noticed readiness as a complex integrated dynamic formation,
which is a systemic quality of personality of future professional and consists of the structural and functional components with diagnostic
characteristics that developed criteria, indexes and levels formation of future teachers. The said system became the basis for the
development of content formation training physical education students.
The purpose of the study is to determine the place of project activities in training students of physical education teaching
universities. For the purpose, it follows studies, analyze the system of training future teachers of physical culture and justify the need for the project activities.
When designing a research program proceeded from the assumption that education should develop a holistic personality of future
teacher, not only the cognitive sphere. The definition of research and experimental work, special attention was given to activity-training
component. This increased attention due to the fact that in this component is a manifestation of activity-motivational value, individual
psychological, cognitive components of training. Exploring the problem of designing in the field of modern education concluded that the
nature of the pedagogical design is a synthesis of three contexts: administrative, cultural, scientific.
It was found - the main characteristic of teaching design in preparation of future teachers of physical education is that it is
essentially aimed, primarily, on the development of students as well as the substantial transformation and change in education. Winning
project activities on a professional and personal level, the future teacher of physical culture itself becomes the subject of this activity. The
project activity is a means of personal growth, professional design career.