Обґрунтовані методологія і методи визначення фізичної працездатності спортсменів на підставі розробленого
автором методу power-ергометрії (субмаксимального power-ергометричного тесту PWC 170 ). Показано можливість
використання цього методу в практиці спортивної медицини, фізичного виховання, а також в навчальному процесі студентів
факультетів фізичного виховання і спорту педагогічних університетів.
Обоснованы методология и методика определения физической
работоспособности спортсменов, на основе разработанного автором метода power-эргометрии (субмаксимального power-
эргометрического теста PWC 170 ). Показана возможность применения этого метода в практике спортивной медицины,
физического воспитания, а также в учебном процессе студентов факультетов физического воспитания и спорта
педагогических университетов.
In this article methodology and methods for determining the physical performance of athletes
were proved. They are base don’t he authorial method of power-ergometry (submaximal power-ergometry test PWC 170 ). In the article the
description of research which is based on the method is shown.
We also present the differential characteristics of ergometers which are used for determination of physical capacity of people of all
ages, professional employment and physical condition.
The research was conducted on the base of Brovary Higher School of Physical Culture (Kyiv region), secondary schools in Brovary
city and region, University «Ukraine» (Kyiv), National pedagogical Dragomanov university. Young adults and adolescent athletes and their
peers –secondary school students who are not involved in sports took part in long-term observations. The total number of people who were
involved in the research was over 3000.
The author of the article gives a formalized assessment chart for the physical performance of adults and young athletes both
involved in various sport training and not based on submaximal power-ergometry test PWC 170 .
This method is totally unique. It can be used in the practice of sports and sport medicine to determine the anaerobic-aerobic
physical performance of athletes of all ages, as well as in the educational process of students on the faculties of physical education and
sport in pedagogical universities as one of the technical means to conduct practical classes on the subject of «Sport medicine».