Цифровий репозитарій
Українського державного університету
імені Михайла Драгоманова

Перегляд Наукові праці Факультету іноземної філології по назві

ISSN: 2310-8290

Перегляд Наукові праці Факультету іноземної філології по назві

Сортувати по: Порядок: Результати:

  • Pet'ko, Lyudmila Vasilievna; Goncharova, Tatyana Volodymyrivna; Babii, Sergiy Mykolayovych, (Острог : Вид-во Національного ун-ту «Острозька академія», 2015)
    Shakespeare’s texts are rich with metaphors presenting the heroes his plays. This paper looks at the using of linguistic metaphors in Shakespeare’s texts: cognitive metaphor, conceptual metaphor, root metaphor, visual ...
  • Mykytenko, Alina Volodymyrivna (Modern Science ‒ Moderní věda. Praha. Česká Republika, 2017)
    This article is dedicated to urgent issue concerning metaphorical modeling as a way of creating symbolical meanings of denominating artifacts. Based on conducted research metaphorical submodels which are used for creating ...
  • Pet’ko, Ludmyla; Mel’nichenko, Xenia (Praha : Publiching house Education and Science s.r.o., 2014)
    This article is devoted to describing of creative work in modern ballet by Mikhail Baryshnikov. The aim of the article is to provide the reader some material on famous ballet dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov as dancer, choreographer, ...
  • Pet’ko, Lyudmila; Harashchenko, Larysa; Komarovska, Oksana; Маtviienko, Olena; Ovsiienko, Liudmyla; Shcholokova, Olga; Sokolova, Olga (2019)
    This paper analyzes the socio-economic determinants of the development of corporate education in the conditions of social changes, philosophical foundations of corporate education as an integral part of adult education, ...
  • Horokhovа, Iryna V. (Вид-во УДУ імені Михайла Драгоманова, 2023)
  • Pet’ko, Lyudmila (SAUL Publishing Ltd, Dublin, Ireland, 2017)
    The question of multicultural upbringing of students in the context of professionally oriented foreign language teaching environment in the conditions of university is considered. Presented its aims and principles.
  • Shopin, Pavlo (De Gruyter, 2019)
    In this article, I examine tactile metaphors for voice in the work of Herta Müller. I use conceptual metaphor theory and consider the process of multisensory perception to argue that tactile metaphors can activate multiple ...
  • Pet'ko, Lydmila; Mel'nyk, Vira (К. : Вид-во НПУ імені М.П.Драгоманова, 2014)
    This article focuses on music quotes from Shakespeare's plays. Specifically, the authors describe quotations referring to music from Shakespeare's greatest plays: The Merchant of Venice, Henry IV, Antony and Cleopatra, ...
  • Волошкова, Наталія Василівна; Voloshkova, Nataliia (2017)
    This article explores Horace Walpole’s connections with the Bluestocking community in the 1780s, focusing on his long-standing friendship with second-generation Bluestocking Mary Hamilton. Via a close examination of ...
  • Yufereva, Olena; Юферева, Олена Володимирівна (Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego, 2019)
    A «naive» author who sees and reflects the world as it seems to him outside the literary conventions, turns into a sign of truthfulness and authenticity of evidence to a mass audience. The descriptions and photographs of ...
  • Voloshkova, Nataliia; Волошкова, Наталія Василівна (KADIN ESERLERİ KÜTÜPHANESİ VE BİLGİ MERKEZİ VAKFI, 2016)
  • Borsuk, Olena; Pet’ko, Lyudmila (София : «БялГрад-БГ» ОOД 2013, 2013-11)
    Neo-Freudian ideas and theories enriched philosophy, psychiatry and psychology based on the Freudianism, Neo-Freudianism is up-to-date concept of human. Alfred Adler, Karen Horney and Carl Jung are best-known Neo-Freudians. ...
  • Іщук, Алла Анатоліївна; Іщук, Олена Михайлівна (MDPC Publishing, 2021-09-27)
    The article is aimed at the systematization of the email features and components and setting the netiquette rules for communication.
  • Sokolov, Timothy; Pet’ko, Lyudmila (BookwireTM, 2021)
    Крістіан Діор був одним з найуспішніших дизайнерів у світовій індустрії моди як за неперевершеною креативністю і винятковим дизайном одягу, так і за прекрасними діловими якостями. Популярність Крістіана Діора, як одного з ...
  • Kruhlova, Alina; Pet’ko, Lyudmila (BookwireTM, 2021)
    The leisurely life by the Tiber banks of Castel Sant'Angelo was celebrated in the the unforgettable film Roman Holiday (1953), in which Joe Bradley (Gregory Peck) and Princess Ann (Audrey Hepburn) fall in love in a dancing ...
  • Pet’ko, Lyudmila; Boyko, Aliona (Przemys`l : Sp.zo.o. «Nauka i studia», 2014)
    The article is devoted to describing of history of Britain opera. The authors reveal the periods of development and creating of opera in Britain. This article of opera in Britain considers first, the theoretical aspects ...
  • Melnychuk, Aleksandra; Pet’ko, Lyudmila (2021)
    Palazzo Brancaccio is the last Palace of the Roman Patricians build in 1880 in the centre of the city. Palazzo Brancaccio’s rooms were filmed for interior scenes in the film “Romen Holiday” (1953, USA). The rooms are richly ...
  • Zhovniruk, Andriy (EDEX, Madrid, España, 2016)
    У статті розглянуто аудіювання та особливості його механізмів як ефективного інструменту розвитку мнемічної діяльності студентів на заняттях з іноземної мови.
  • Nikolayenko, Vita Valentinovna (EDEX, Madrid, España, 2016)
    The author presents the ways of pedagogical technology in Russian-speaking communicative competence formation of international students at an advanced stage of professional training.
  • Страшко, Ірина Володимирівна (РВВ « ЗДІА», 2016-05)
    The potential of іTunes University as a tool that allows every individual to realize personal needs for education, self-education, and self-fulfillment is analyzed in the paper. The valuable aspects of iTunes U application ...