Стаття присвячена розгляду міфопоетичного аспекту урбаністичної поезії С. Черкасенка. Акцентуються особливості втілення міфологеми міста, звертаючись передовсім до образного рівня творів. З’ясовується специфіка авторської міфотворчості.
One of the topical problems of modern Ukrainian literary criticism is the interaction of writing with a myth. In particular, the attention of researchers in this aspect attracts, first of all, the area of the author’s world model, as mythopoetic. The research of Spiridon Cherkasenko’s lyrics requires considerable attention, since his work occupies a special place in the Ukrainian literary process. The lyrical poetry of the writer is a vivid example of a new type of poetry, in which the elements of modernism and mythopoetic are interconnected. Modern studies of S. Cherkasenko’s creation are represented by a considerable number of works of literary and folklore school. Urban problems in the poet’s creation were decoded only partly and the mythopoetic aspects of literary urbanism in general have not been studied. Therefore the purpose of the article is to interpret the city’s mythopoetic in the poetic creation of S. Cherkasenko, to identify and characterize in the writer’s poetry the hypostasis of the city-whore. In particular, the mythologam of the city is considered on the example of the cycles «Children of the city», «Smiling city», «City». In this work features of the embodiment and functioning of the city mythologam in the artistic world S. Cherkasenko, ways of its author’s transformation are researched. In the urban poetry of S. Cherkasenko mythologam of the city is a symbol of chaos which caused by people. The author considers the mythologam of city as a demonic world, which represents all human sins. This world is hostile to man, a world of chaos that drags people, changes them spiritually and physically. The city mythospace is divided conditionally into the inner and outer parts of the city. All events in the city are night and night - time is uncertain, clear lines erased in it, colors disappear, everything becomes not the same as in the day, unknowable and hostile. The inner part of the city is illuminated by lanterns at night, and the outer part is in the dark. The lyrical hero as if from the top of these horrible pictures of life in the city. The author compares the city with a cemetery, which consists of collective casting coffins, which symbolizing hopelessness, despondency in the life of urbanists.