У статті досліджено кодекс любові та його художню реалізацію у романі Люко Дашвар «Молоко з кров’ю», охарактеризовано феномен модифікації минулого та сьогодення у творі, розглянуто містично-фантазійні компоненти вибудови, проявлення у романі притаманних письменниці рис постмодернізму. Зроблено спробу окреслити специфіку творення образів та їхніх шляхів пошуку істини.
In this work we have focused on the problem and feature of its artistic realization (author’s writing style) in creativity of Lyuko Dashvar in the context of postmodernism on the example of her novel «Milk with blood».
This article is an attempt at characterizing the author’s understanding of the love code through the characters’ prism of perception and confession of the novel. The research presented using of mystical fantasy components in the structure of the novel and their function and meaningfulness.
Characters’ confession of the love code in the novel is very different and depends on many reasons. This code of honor for Mary is represented in coral necklace but the beauty’s attitude to the main intimate feelings is primarily based on egoism (she loves Stepan just for herself). It eventually leads her to treachery as herself but also and her love too. Outwardly unobtrusive, semiblind and soft Stepan looks much higher than Mary. His life credo is «heart’s free breathing». During the whole life he shows ability to love with true devotion (and even takes care of unrelated children). He can realize any of Mary’s wishes to make her feel well because she is dear to his heart.
Alex’s (handsome guy) attitude to love is quite different. He boasts because his wife is the most beautiful woman in all vicinity. But at the same time for Alex the most significant value is career and material provision. For that he is able to do bad actions. He can break someone else’s life without hesitation, make lying denunciation etc.
The high meaning of goodness and love, purity and devotion for Tetyana do not exist at all. This sinister creature is endowed with author not only repulsive appearance but also such internal negative traits as meanness, evil, lust. This character in the novel of Lyuko Dashvar is built on contrast to the problem of true love. In comparing with Tetyana Stepan’s ability to love looks nobler, cleaner and stronger.
Love is also driving force for the novel’s plot. The writer successfully uses mystical fantasy components for its artistic realization. For example, Ruslan’s aspiration going to Ukraine to find love, power of coral necklace-guard and its influence on the people’s fates, symbol of the lilac, the old woman’s prophecy about Mary’s son, her lofty dream which gives her warning etc. The novel’s composition is also characterized with «movement» of time. The beginning of the XXI and the second half of the XX centuries are masterfully intertwined in canvas with using travel in time. Metaphorically symbolic names (chapter titles are very important in novel which actually implement not just the course of Mary’s and Stepan’s lifes but also stages of feeling’s development of the main characters from birth and to the end of life).
The research presented an attempt of characterizing innovative specificity’s features of the idea’s artistic realization. It goals with indestructibility of love, its ability to reincarnation in the novel of Lyuko Dashvar «Milk with blood».
The love code in Ukrainian and World literature has been always relevant. Lyuko Dashvar showed her vision of love’s concept and its influence not only for the specificity of creating characters but also for the plot of the novel in general artistically meaning in the context of postmodernism. Several time layers are combined in the novel according to it the fate of characters is described against the backdrop of the events of the Second World War, time of partisan confrontation, post military communist state and then Independent Ukraine. Dynamic presentation of events, half-telling, attraction of mysticism, horror encourage the reader to engage in «creative collaboration», force to think about depth and importance of the problems which raised by the ways of solution.