В статті розглядається аспект навчання плавання студентів спеціальних медичних груп на засадах принципів
безпеки та запобігання непередбачених ситуацій, що виникають в ході навчання.
В статье
рассматривается аспект обучения плаванню студентов спеціального медицинского отделения на основе принципов
безопасности обучения путем предотвращения непредвиденных ситуацій, возникающих в ходе обучения.
The following article covers the subject of teaching swimming to special medical
groups’ students, on the basis of safety principles, through prevention of unforeseen emergency situations during the learning process.
Swimming is an important type of dynamic exercising in students’ physical education. The task of training special medical groups’
students to swim is particularly important, as it is one of the key health-preserving physical activities, the benefits can be felt nationwide.
First of all, teaching swimming serves as one of the main means of preventing accidents on the water. Second of all, it is one of the
most effective methods of non-drug rehabilitation. Third of all, swimming substantially raises one’s social status and adaptability in life.
The article puts forth personal methods of surveillance, detecting and responding to emergencies during special medical groups’
training, detecting specific signs of incidents (which lead to one of the most common and dangerous “suffocation in water”) classifying
incidents on the basis of distinct characteristics, as well, as by the number of occurrences. Observing a large number of incidents provided
the provided the opportunity to prevent, avoid and handle incidents, thus encouraging obtaining a vital skill of swimming.