Статья посвячена анализу современных оздоровительных технологий, которые направленные на профілактику и
коррекцию нарушений опорно – двигательного апарата у студентов в процес се физического воспитания. Определяеться
значимость физической культуры и здоровьем личности студента.
Стаття присвячена аналізу сучасних оздоровчих технологій, які спрямовані на профілактику та корекцію
порушень опорно-рухового апарата у студентів в процесі фізичного виховання. Зазначається значимість фізичної культури та
здоров’я особистості студента.
Currently, one of the indicators of socio-economic development of modern society is the life expectancy of
the citizens, which is largely dependent on the state of health of physical activity and physical education. Unfortunately, in recent years there
has been a tendency to a decrease in the basic indicators of public health, especially children and youth.
According to many authors, physical education in high school owns a significant role in shaping the personality of the modern
professional. As an integral part of the learning process and prepare professionally applied physical education provides physical readiness of
the future experts in a highly productive professional activity, promotes their full and harmonious development. Nowadays, under the
influence of scientific and technological progress and the introduction of computerized systems of training in the process of preparation of
the expert, the student body is exposed to mental and psychological stress. Significantly increases the demands on the level of experts in
various fields of health, the level of development of their physical and mental qualities. Particular importance is attached to professional
qualities, such as the ability to work, ability to adapt quickly, endurance and others. Against this background, a special social significance,
issues of preservation and strengthening of health of students.
One of the main, objective characteristics of physical development and health is a human posture. Violation of posture often lead
to the formation of resistant strains of the musculoskeletal system (TSR) of a person, such as scoliosis posture, round, flat, round, concave
and plano-concave.