В статье дана оценка текущей физической работоспособности и физической подготовленности юных гребцов-академистов в начале и после формирующего эксперимента. В исследовании принимали участие 50 юных гребцов в возрасте 12 лет. Был проверен анализ уровней физической работоспособности, физической подготовленности в начале и после формирующего эксперимента.
У статті дана оцінка поточної фізичної працездатності і
фізичної підготовленості юних веслярів-академістів на початку та після формуючого експерименту. У дослідженні брали участь 50 юних веслярів у віці 12 років. Був перевірений аналіз рівнів фізичної підготовленості, фізичної працездатності на початку та після формуючого експерименту.
This article assesses current physical operability and physical readiness of young rowers, academics in the beginning and at the end of the formative experiment. The study involved 50 young
rowers at the age of 12 years. Been tested analysis of the levels of physical fitness, physical performance in the beginning and at the end of the formative experiment. The paper analyses the initial level of physical capacity, physical and functional preparedness of young rowers aged 12-13 years, as well as the features of dynamics of these parameters influenced by traditional and experimental training program on the preparatory period of the initial stage of athletic training. The aim of the research is to study and justify the content of experimental program of planning training sessions for young 12-13 year-old rowers on the preparatory period of the initial stage of training, aimed at improving their physical and functional preparedness by identifying individual energy cost. The proposed program has got such features: a redistribution of the volume training loads with a focus on increasing the amount of special training on water and
aerobic exercise, and a method of individual dosage of physical activity by calculating the optimal values of energy
consumption for certain types of physical activity, corresponding to the content of individual training sessions. It is proved
that using of the experimental program of training sessions for 12-13 year-old rowers at the initial stage of sporting
preparation promotes optimizing their physical and functional preparedness. The paper has extended the theoretical
data on the physical and functional preparedness of 12-13 year-old rowers at the stage of initial training through the use
of modern computer software «OBERIG».